Friday, October 26, 2007

Not So Free Fall

We've all been there - disaster. You see it coming and you find yourself the deer in the headlights, caught with no escape. Sometimes it's a car crashing towards you; other times, it's the one person you know you shouldn't fall for. With all our prefrontal cortex advancements, you'd think humans would have more reasoning skills. You'd think we'd be able to, as we see our mistakes unfold, say "i should stop while i'm ahead!" But alas, we know we're making the wrong choice, and we know we'll pay for it tomorrow, but there's no way to change it. It's like those dreams where you feel like you can't move. Your muscles lock and you find yourself frozen in time - except time keeps moving. It's paralysis of the mind: something up there just freezes up, the signals stop, and you fall. You fall so deep and so fast that all it takes is a second of hesitation and the mistake has been made; and then you're in it for good with little chance of climbing out. So like Alice, as she fell down the rabbit hole, all you can do is wait - and hope there's something at the bottom to break your fall.


Amy said...

hey it's amy, kev's li'l sis..... hi ppls =) awesome blog yo

kelly g said...

the thing (or person) that breaks the fall makes it all worth it =)