Saturday, October 6, 2007

She Looked Beautiful

Unrequited love is familiar territory - we can look to the great Masters like Shakespeare, Eliot, and Cervantes to understand it and move on. But what happens when we need to move on from the reciprocated? While seemingly simple, the complications of mutual love are magnified by their infrequency: we have no one to tell us how to deal when this idyllic situation goes awry. Because usually, things work out; A + B, provided mutual attraction, yield C: a carefree couple that's madly in love. But when they don't? Then we're on our own. We can't continue with the naive belief that emotions alone drive our love lives; we can't assume that if something is meant to be, it actually will be. Life just gets in the way sometimes. We feel the chemistry, the proverbial sparks, but no amount of passion can overcome the boundaries of circumstance. Love does not always conquer all. So how can you change your emotions, when logically, if two people love one another, they live happily ever after? How do you live knowing you grasped perfection, but life took it away?

1 comment:

Q said...

"provided mutual attraction"...ay, therein lies the rub. ><
and how we live our lives? "wait and hope", as mister dantes said. and quite fitting, coming from him.