Friday, December 14, 2007

We Can't Go Back

So these couple of days are very stressful for those of you waiting on college results. I know you guys don't want to hear about school, but I've been so frustrated by this whole process. Rejection hurts like hell. Naturally. The problem is, a lot people of become fixated on this idea of what they want for themselves, and then when they don't necessarily get it, they fall into this depression thing where suddenly their futures are hopeless and ruined and they'll never be successful again. But really, think about how many more times you're going to get rejected in life. Failure occurs more often than not -- that job you weren't hired for, or the girl you'll never get a date with. Are you going to cry about it every time? Of course not! Think of all the things that'll be happening around you as you sit at home and mope. Life doesn't wait for you to get over every little failure. Yes, college is a big deal. But your future doesn't have to depend on it. If a mindless application form and 500 words defines how you spend the rest of your life, what's the point of all the rest? Your future isn't just a straight road stretched out in front of you. Maybe you're just taking a detour, or maybe you'll discover a completely new path. Okay, you didn't get your first choice. But if you keep your mind open, chances are you'll realize that there is more than one way to be happy. So go find your next opportunity!

By the way, congratulations to all who got accepted! :D


Q said...

haha indeed, its not all there is...if all else fails i'll go join the circus =D
and amy, why are you worrying about getting a date with a girl? o_O

Amy said...

no, no steve you misunderstand! when i wrote that, i was assuming it was the GUYS who would be failing in their love lives. :P

Amy said...

hope my brother saw this...

Jeff Chen said...

yo! screw college.
screw school.
stupid college hasn't even received my High School Transcript.
so I don't think, I'm going.
oh and I should read what you wrote....
gunna go do that now.
~Jeff Chen.