Wednesday, September 12, 2007

I Charge By the Hour

I recall a comment Alice made previously saying she was afraid I'd make the caption for my brother's photo dirty. So, sorry Alice! I think other than this one, you won't see any more disturbing things where Jeffrey is involved (though I make no guarantees!)

Tonight, I was driving home from a frustrating visit to Shoprite (those self-check-out things make me absolutely insane) along Old Stage -- the usual route. I don't know, maybe it was the darkness, or the music, or the fact that I was pretty deeply immersed in some pointless thoughts about French bread, but I suddenly realized I couldn't identify where I was. It was so silly, because I had driven there about 1,000 times. So for the two seconds this feeling lasted, I was frantically wondering if an early case of Alsheimer's had set in. Anyway, recognition hit me shortly after -- still, it was just so surreal and disorienting and bizarre that I spent the rest of the ride home thinking about it. Had I experienced first-hand the sensation of being Lost In Thought? Was I just going fucking crazy? What a mystery. I guess the point I'm ultimately trying to come to is that it was kind of cool, this discovery of myself to be so detached from the world. However brief, it was a nice break from the chaos of this week.

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