Saturday, September 1, 2007

Like Being in Love

Hi all,

So this is the first of many (hopefully) posts. I'm not sure what to say about this...I guess it's a sort of experiment Gal and I started. Then we got a little crazy and ended up having way too much fun with it. "It" being a series of mostly non-related comic strips based on partly personal experience and partly our own insanity, inspired by A Softer World. Anyway, we'll be posting about one a day or so for a while...and meanwhile trying to come up with more. We don't yet know how successful this will be - it might all go down the drain once school starts. Until then, we'll be "slummin' it" (a special thanks to Gal for that amazing phrase)!

I hope you'll enjoy!
Dear reader(s),

It's certainly interesting viewing one's creations on the interweb. Definitely surprised to see our project get this far, but I guess we had enough insanity bottled up in us to last a while. If we fade into oblivion, be sure to avoid withdrawal by visiting A Softer World. And once you realize how much better they are than us, we'll completely understand if you stop reading our junk. Until you figure that out, I hope you enjoy the qualities of our personalities that make normal human interaction impossible. Cause we certainly do!


1 comment:

Q said...

ah, you guys have found a better way to procrastinate.

as for the comic...perhaps this is why i kept going on rollercoasters yesterday...

hope this goes well =]