Monday, September 3, 2007


Today I realized, being extremely tired and being drunk appear the same to onlookers. As I stumbled my way to the bathroom in our local bookstore after a real all-nighter, I wondered if nice Suburban moms were trying to distract their children from my shameful - or so it appeared - existence. You'd think the 1990's ponytail, geeky glasses, and massive bags under my eyes would've been more obvious, but I guess people see what they want to see. Maybe I just wanted to see judgmental suburbanites. Maybe we're too busy seeing what we think is around us, to actually notice if we're seeing anything at all. oooooh. I guess being extremely tired and being high also sound similar too.



Jeff Chen said...

Your not Blind.
are you?
~Jeff Chen

Brooke said...

..mebbe thats why people say 'perception is reality'...^^
and um this is steve's sister lol :D