Thursday, September 13, 2007

Got Gin?

Don't pretend like you don't do this. We've all stood in front of a mirror at some point, practicing faces either for fun or because you want to know what other people see when you think you're looking wry. Me? I practice my faces whenever possible - passing by a window or mirror, waiting in lines, not listening to people speak... these are all valuable moments that we often take for granted as time wasted, when in fact, we could be improving our face-making skills. So try it! And if you're like me (challenged in the face making department) or like Amy (challenged in the face department xP just kidding) you might just find that all your hard work has paid off. Or you'll get killer face cramps. Until then, let's all drink gin and make wry faces =D



Q said...

haha i've actually done this a few times, trying (...and failing) to be able to raise either eyebrow independently.
and amy..ouch. =D

Unknown said...

holy crap. i dont think i even have that picture anymore. very interesting blog though... i still dont get the whole.. wry face thing.